Make the Most of Your Shop!

Make the Most of Your Shop!

Let’s take your current or future Spreadshop to a whole new level. Below, you’ll find a number of video tutorials that will help you make the most of your Shop.

Understand the ins and outs of the product-creation process, and learn how to guide customers through your Shop with dedicated topics. If you’re focused on improving your Shop’s marketing (and, vicariously, your sales), understand all the intricacies of your product feed!

We’ve collected several tutorials that will be useful to both experienced and new Shop owners:

Shop setup and product creation

Creating a Start Page for your Spreadshop

Shop topics

Product feed for Google Merchant account

Product feed for Facebook promos

Embedding Spreadshop to your own domain

Creating posters

Once you’re finished watching the videos, head back to your partner area and put those lessons to good use!

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1 year ago

Hi.How can i remove background of any design.

2 years ago

How do I get my spreadshop to appear on google?

ed lee
ed lee
3 years ago

great video overview

3 years ago

Anyone have any idea how to just get the dang embed code so I can embed it in my Squarespace site? So frustrated trying to find that info.

Wayne Hannis
3 years ago

Google merchants center is telling me the shop is unverified and unclaimed?

4 years ago

your video on Product feed for Google Merchant account is not help full

mohamed ennaciri
4 years ago

Hello friends, I have created a store on your platform. It’s an excellent layout but some elements are missing for my store :
1- login page for my customers :
I need to activate the subscription and connection for clients. Help them register their billing address in my own shop, it’s a difficult process, that the same customer who bought a product is going to fill again his address on the payment page. For this reason, I need to add an account page for customers to facile the process
2 website performance.
page loading speed needs to be improved, especially on mobile, because I am trying to rank my store on google and alexa.

3 years ago

Having goofed in the slow-page-loading arena during my early web development activites, one question came to mind regarding your post: Have you tried reducing image file sizes, which is one culprit of slow page loading speeds? High resolution images could be your page-loading bottleneck. If you’re cropping a large image, consider scaling it down to the exact pixel size you need for your site. Good luck.

6 years ago


Atef khadr
Atef khadr
6 years ago

Hello all

I have some words and I would like to say
Spreadshop will be the best platform in the net – very soon
thank you so much Spreadshop team.
