Embedding Shop on wordpress website page giving error

I am trying to embed my shop on wordpress web page but getting this error. “Could not embed SpreadShop: No ‘spread_shop_config’ object found in window
More information can be found at”
I have used on my other wordpress sites but this one is giving this error.Can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong and how to fix it .If that help this is my website url: https://www.printinlondon.co.uk/same-day-t-shirt-printing-london/ anyone can check and comment.

Looks like it is working to me…

Have you tried using our plugin?

It is supporting shortcodes such as [spreadshop] to embedd a shop within a page at any position.
You can also use it for deeplinking and stuff.

otherwise you might need to double check here: https://help.spreadshop.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010529039-Website-Integration-with-JavaScript

How do i use the shortcodes? [spreadshop] works fine but is it possible to use categories for example? Or Mens and Women’s? I tried something but it didn’t work it shows the whole shop anyway

[spreadshop deeplink=“accesories?q=D4”]
This is an example for deeplinking & displaying the accessoires section of your shop.
Men’s products use the category: men?q=D1
Women’s products use the category women?q=D2

I havw had the same problem.
i have used the embeded code and pluugin with shortcode and everytime i reset it, it works for a few hours and stops. any advice?

my website is Shop - DJ CrazyGlow

@Thomas_Spreadshop - is there a full list of shorcodes somewhere? For example to display designs for a specific topic etc? If you hadn’t posted this I wouldn’t have known that men is D1 for example

Indeed, having a full list available in one place is a good idea.
@Lena_Spreadshop and I will chat about options to offer a How-To in our FAQ section.

A short info I can already give is about the categories in general:
Men : D1
Women : D2
Kids & Babies : D3
Accessories :D4
Cases : D18
Wall Prints : D22

If you want to link to a listpage, showing products with a certain design, you first need to check the URL.
For example : “https://shop.spreadshirt.com/SpreadShop/printed+in+black?idea=5a1d780daa0c6d18e05eccac

Then use the “/printed+in+black?idea=5a1d780daa0c6d18e05eccac” part, and put it into your shortcde: [spreadshop deeplink="/printed+in+black?idea=5a1d780daa0c6d18e05eccac"]

Meanwhile here is an Article about Deeplinking from the Design Tool. That might already guide you into the direction.

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Can you please share a screenshot of your Plugin’s settings page?
I fear, there’s an issue with the general set up of your shop.

I had switched off the plugin bc i was having the same problem with it.
It is now turned it back on.
these are the settings.

In the Shop’s Admin section you´ve set the target URL for your shop to appear to:
Bildschirmfoto 2020-11-22 um 13.34.37
while your Shop URL Path (within the WordPress Plugin) was set to Shop - DJ CrazyGlow

I´ve corrected this and it should work now :slight_smile:

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