Automated Advertising with Your Product Feed

Automated Advertising with Your Product Feed

Simply put, there’s just one way forward when it comes to improving sales in your Spreadshop – with advertising! Your product feed offers a perfect means of advertising as it automatically imports the information for your Facebook & Co adverts.

The product feed is designed to be your time saver. It effectively promotes your products on Google, Facebook and Instagram as it does all the work for you in the background. All you need to do is activate it once, then all changes and updates to your products are automatically transferred to Google, Facebook and Instagram. It reduces your manual efforts significantly and gives you more time for creative marketing endeavours!

Activate the product feed for automated advertising

Since we create the product feed for you, there’s no extra work for you. You can find the respective link in your Shop settings in Marketing > Product Feed. Copy the link to your Google Merchant Center or Facebook Business Manager. Bada-bing, bada-boom – that’s it! And remember that the Facebook Business Manager also lets you share the product feed with Instagram. We have described in detail how this works in our FAQs.

Activate product feed

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Roderick Shun
Roderick Shun
5 months ago

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