New YouTube Merchandise Product Feed

New YouTube Merchandise Product Feed

As already announced, we are updating the domain structure for your Spreadshop. While we’re at it, we’re giving your YouTube merchandise area a nice little technical tune-up. This will make selling your products through YouTube even easier. We will also transfer your product feed to the new domain. Since September 24th, the transfer is complete – no action needed from your side.

Stay tuned and sell merch

Thanks to extensive testing, we do not expect any disruptions or bugs – your merchandise area should still work exactly the same after the changeover. So you can just sit back and relax.

If you sell your store products on other platforms such as Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest in addition to the YouTube merchandise area, you will have to update the product feed yourself. You can find more information here.


The domain update for your Spreadshop is now finished. The new subdomain will simplify your Shop verification for the YouTube merch shelf, making it easier to sell your products directly under your videos. Read all the details here.

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2 years ago

how can i base integration from sight to sight on my personal website domain to order via second source widget/sponsor?