Contact Information "Management Board/VATIM"?

Hi, I did a search within the forum to try and work out what “Management Board” and “VATIM” fields mean in the Contact Information when setting up shop but had no luck. Not sure what info needs to go there…? :thinking:

Can you please post a screenshot of what you mean exactly?

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Lena, should I be putting my own name down for “Management Board”?

Then I realised that “VATIN” appears in the shop as “VAT ID” as I’m Australian what do I put for that? I don’t have a VAT ID and it won’t let me leave it blank.


Anybody help??? Would like to open my store soon.
So these are the shop owner details but for returns the info would be there as well for them to return to spreadshirt?
:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Hi Lena, are you still about?


You put in this number here:

Thank you!