Link to code snippets / examples?

I seem to remember a thread at some point about how to embed just a single topic or single design within a web page - for example a blog post on a Wordpress site.

I think either @Thomas_Spreadshop or @Lena_Spreadshop might have given some examples of how this can be done / what parameters can be used.

Please could someone point me to this thread / resource as I’m unable to find it - or am I just dreaming it happened?? :joy:

I don’t know if this is what you want, but check the code in the link, it might be useful to you. This is the method I use

Many thanks - thit is indeed useful and I’ll play around with it to see if I can get it to do what I am imagining - I could still swear that there was a whole post about the parameters we could use but I might have read it on another forum at some point.

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