Top 5 Questions Asked Over and Over Again

Top 5 Questions Asked Over and Over Again

Certain questions are asked over and over again. Here are our answers.

This article was updated in January, 2019.


How does Spreadshop work?

Opening a Spreadshop store for your merch is very easy. You’ll be able to choose the designs and products you want to put up for sale, and you earn money every time a purchase is made!

We store the products for you, and we’ll print the items as soon as a customer orders them via your Shop. For you, this means there is absolutely no risk or obligation involved – it’s 100% free. We take care of payment, shipping and customer service. All you have to do is create products and designs, put them up for sale in your Shop, and promote your Shop and products on social media. Take a look at how this can be accomplished.

To create an online Shop, click here. Enter your registration information, and you can immediately start your online business by uploading designs and creating your products.

How do I create products for my Shop?

The product creation process is particularly easy:

Go to the “Designs” menu in the left column to import a design, choose and edit all wanted products for that design, and enter all the necessary information and tags. Watch this tutorial to see how quickly this task can be completed.

Is Spreadshop really free?

Yes, having your own Spreadshop is completely free. Since we only print products on demand (see more information here), you have no expenses.

How is the product price determined?

The price of a Spreadshop product consists of:

How do I integrate the Shop with my website?

Your Spreadshop can easily be integrated with any website. It’s simple to integrate it into WordPress or Joomla. Depending on what you want to do, some knowledge of HTML, CSS or JavaSript may be required. Please use JavaScript to integrate the Shop with your website.

In “Sales Channels” > “Edit” > “Advanced Settings” > “Shop Settings” > “Embed Shop in Website,” you will find all the necessary information. You’ll also find information on less complicated ways of integrating your Spreadshop into your website.

What is the difference between Spreadshop and Marketplace?

Spreadshop offers you the opportunity to have a free merchandising shop (and URL) that can easily be integrated into your website. You are the manager, and you choose the products and designs that you want to offer. It is up to you to advertise and market your Shop so that your products can be found by customers. With each sale, you will receive the design price and Affiliate Commission on generated sales, set at 20% of the cost of printing and products. Depending on the number of products sold, you can even earn more with the Volume Commission.

The Marketplace is part of the Spreadshirt site. It is a great platform on which creative minds can offer their designs. You can simultaneously have a Shop while selling your designs on the Marketplace. As for the Marketplace, you don’t have to worry about marketing, since thousands of visitors browse and buy on the Marketplace every day. In addition to choosing the design, the customer selects the product on which the design will be printed. The design can also be adjusted on the product, and customers can even change the size and (sometimes) the color. With every design you sell, you will receive the design price you set.

To find out which sales channel is most appropriate for your needs, take a look at this article.

Can I customize the Shop layout?

It is entirely possible to adapt the layout of your Shop. You can activate your own start page, import a logo for the header and choose a color theme. It is also possible to determine your own color palette. More advanced users can use the “HTML and CSS” option to customize the Shop. You can also make adjustments to the header and footer in the checkout area.

Do you offer white label shops?

Yes, that’s standard. The Spreadshirt logo will not appear on your Shop. It allows you to add your personal touch the way you see fit. The only mention of Spreadshirt is in the footer (“Powered by Spreadshirt”), which you can eliminate via CSS.

Designs and Products

Can I work on several products at the same time?

Yes, that’s possible.

You need to select the relevant designs (by checking the box at the top right of the design preview), and on the top left you will be able to edit design keywords and Design Price (you can also delete unwanted designs). For the products, you can use our great template functionality, allowing you to save recurring work steps for all your products.

Why was my design rejected?

There are many reasons for rejecting a design. The most common reason is that the lines of the vector graphics are too thin. If the lines are too thin, the design can’t be printed properly, or the print may deteriorate after several washes. It is also possible that designs violate copyrights (e.g. trademarks or word marks). You will find a list of reasons for refusal in our FAQ section for partners.


How does the commission system work?

Depending on the distribution channel (Marketplace or Spreadshop), you’ll find different types of commission (see the question “What is the difference between Spreadshop and the Spreadshirt Marketplace?”).

Regardless of the chosen distribution channel, you always receive the design price. You’ll also set the amount you want to receive for each sale. The design price can be set up to $15. We advise you, however, to take heed of how some of our more popular designers price their designs.

If you have a Shop and sell a product, there are two additional types of commission:

  1. The Affiliate Commission on sales generated. This is 20% on the price of the product and printing (after deduction of tax that the customer pays to Spreadshirt).
  2. The Volume Commission on sales. If you sell more than 26 products in a matter of a bonus period (one month), you receive a bonus ranging from 0.5 to 40% of the price of the product and the printing.

You will find all information on commission types in our help center.

Why have my commissions still not been paid, and how do payments work?

The amount of commissions generated by sales can only be paid to partners who have correctly stated their name, address and bank account details (we also accept PayPal). As soon as the minimum balance has been reached, all commissions earned are paid out once a month, regardless of the distribution channels or the commission type. We begin accounting for your fees no later than the 15th day of the following month. It may take up to two weeks for the money to be in your account. Therefore, you’d receive the money earned in e.g. October by the end of November.

Payments are only made if you have reached the minimum balance. The latter depends on the currency you have chosen. If the chosen currency is the dollar, payment will be made when the accumulated credit amounts to $10 (minimum).


Do I need to register a business?

Unfortunately, we can’t make any blanket statements here. These factors depend on your personal and professional situation. If in doubt, please refer this matter to a tax consultant. Moreover, we advise you to read this useful article.

Tax Forms for non-U.S. Citizens Selling on the North American Platforms

Please download, complete, sign, and email the form below as an attachment to

Why? We are required by the IRS to collect and report specific business transactions and provide statements of income to parties involved in those transactions. Failure to provide correct information will result in Spreadshirt withholding up to 30% of your earnings.

For Individuals

Download form W-8BEN-E

Please add your User ID to the form on line 10. You will find your User ID in your Account Settings. Fill out the remaining fields of the form with the same information you have entered above and the information you normally provide the IRS. It is very important that this information is consistent!

For Businesses

Download form W-8BEN

Please add your User ID to the form on line 7. You will find your User ID in your Account Settings. Fill out the remaining fields of the form with the same information you have entered above and the information you normally provide the IRS. It is very important that this information is consistent!

We also accept electronically signed forms created with your Adobe account or the Acrobat Reader package.

Once you have submitted this form to, we will need some time to process and validate it. We will inform you here once this process is complete.

Do you have any other pressing questions? Let us know in the comments below!

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1 year ago

does speadshop make my clothing for me and ship it to my customers?

1 year ago

what is the average percentage of money I’ll get back after selling items?

2 years ago

How do I delete items in my shop? I put in 50 and I only want 10.

Abdus Sattar
Abdus Sattar
3 years ago


Does the Spreadshop accept Payoneer or ACH deposit system on 2021? for getting paid where PayPal doesn’t support?

Thanks Sattar

Jacqueline Tedmanson
Jacqueline Tedmanson
3 years ago

Is it possible to have different commission accounts for different spreadshops? I manage the website for a business as well as my own shop, and was hoping to avoid manually transferring the difference each month.

5 years ago

If i integrate my spreadshirt shop into my website using javascript, the the orders be automatically placed on spreadhshirt when a customer purchases an item?

5 years ago


I have reached the minimum of $10 based on the emails and the completed sales I have made, but my account still shows as if my credit is $0. Why is that?

5 years ago

Hello, I just submitted my tax non-US citizen W-8BEN form. The auto reply tells me it may take up to 2 weeks for it to be verified. Does this mean that I can’t open/launch/activate my store/sell products until my Tax form is processed?? Thanks.

5 years ago


Is possible to have a store for outside of US/UK?
If Tax information/without information can create a problem for payment from selling?
Is possible to transfer earned money directly to ones account?

RTC Craig
RTC Craig
5 years ago

Am I able to send myself one of my own hoodies to use for an important event? Do i get charged to send or as the owner of the store am I able to get a free one sent?

6 years ago

Is it possible to have custom packaging with my own brand name? e.g. delivery package, invoice, shipping return labels etc.

6 years ago

Can anybody sell at, if the person is not from US and EU.

6 years ago

how do i register for outside usa my designs step by step

6 years ago

Hi, I wanted to know can I create a shirt in Spreadshirt using the provided templates and fonts then sell it? I’ve created shirts and bought them for friends and I but when I go to “start selling” it won’t let me create a shirt from the website and sell them in marketplace. Am I don’t jgnsomething wrong?

6 years ago

Hi there! Am I allowed to have more than one spreadshirt account? Not can I have one in the UK but can I have 2 North American accounts under my bank and tax ID?

Rahul Gupta
Rahul Gupta
6 years ago


For most of the apparel and accessories, there is no option for the design to fill the object. E.g. the mug has a limited space where the design I choose will show. Same for aprons, beach towels etc

Is there a setting that I am overlooking or the limited space is the only option to put the artwork on?

Royal Obasi
Royal Obasi
6 years ago


Does the company plan to offer other payment options like Payoneer. I live in Nigeria. I cant get a bank account in the USA or the EU, also cant receive payment with the PayPal account for Nigeria (we can only pay with it and not receive money with PayPal.


Harvey Tarplee
Harvey Tarplee
6 years ago

Hi, can I ask a question?
How do you change the size of the clothes we are designing because I am making youtube merchandise and most of my viewers are kids, however, my size came up as adult men and I can’t change it.
Thank you bye!

6 years ago

I had a Spreadshirt store a few years ago and was pretty successful. I decided to open another one today and this FAQ section has made me even more confused.

Are you saying that there is now NO WAY to create a product for my store without uploading a design? What if I want to sell t-shirts with text and no images? It used to be so easy — create a product, design the product, sell the product. You could choose to use designs or you could choose to use text. I’m guessing this has changed.

All I’m trying to do is add products to my store and I’m finding it to be completely impossible. Would love some feedback.

6 years ago


I would like to know if I have to open 2 (or more) separate accounts for US and Germany / Europe / UK?

And will your customer support handle possible returns and customers questions only for marketplace or also for stores?


Looking forward to working with you!


6 years ago

Hi my name is Eika
and my question is I was making my own shirt and it said I can download any image and I did but I want to delete from my down load history please help

6 years ago

Can I design on the side of a Legging leg or an arm sleeve?

6 years ago

One of my Products was sold, paid and delivered, But I didn’t get any commission, Why is that?

6 years ago


Everytime I click on “Activate Shop”, the spreadshirt heart pops up, and stays there for hours on end, but it does not go through to activating the shop. What can I do to rectify this issue?

khaatim butler
6 years ago

what if i get my shirts and I’m not satisfied.

Spencer Bello
Spencer Bello
6 years ago

Doe spread shirt work in Ghana ???

6 years ago

Can I place a design on the back of a shirt or long sleeve t shirt instead of the front?

6 years ago

Can you get free samples of shirts on this website

6 years ago

I’d like to be able to replace my designs with updated versions of the same design but there doesn’t seem to be any way of doing that. It means selecting and adjusting all the products for every design all over again. Very frustrating.

6 years ago

I really want to be able to add text to my shirts, but I do not see any way to do that

6 years ago

I need to fill out tax information for outside USA?
What if I do not wish to sell at all to USA?
We dont need to do this for EBAY

Its easier to just find a service like this outside USA, your too hard.
Or just by $3 shirts from china and do it myself.

Diane Blackman
Diane Blackman
13 years ago

If people frequently make the same mistake there is a usability design issue. This is true with the design / shop commission issue. The problem may be work flow but that could be expensive to address. A fair and simple solution is to set a default value for each. This would ensure some compensation for the designer, unless they intentionally reset the value to zero. It should never be the case that a designer get nothing while the user of the image earns money, unless the designer intentionally and knowingly so chooses. That is just fair.