Volume Commission for Shop Owner is Adjusted

Volume Commission for Shop Owner is Adjusted

A year ago, we introduced a Volume Commission for Shop Owners. We are now increasing the length of the campaign periods and adding more intervals to the volume structure to help your commission grow at a faster rate. The partner terms and conditions are adjusted accordingly.

The most important details:

  • The campaign period is being increased from two weeks to one calendar month
  • There are more bonus intervals (see details below)
  • Changes begin on May 1, 2017
  • The payout schedule will not change

With the extended campaign period, fluctuations are better balanced, and you have more time to increase and control your sales and more time to earn. In addition, reaching additional bonus percentages for your sales activity is both faster and more frequent.

Read the new Partner Terms and Conditions here.

The new graduation is as follows:

Number of products sold per month Volume Commission
26 – 50 0.5 %
51 – 75 1.0 %
76 – 100 1.5 %
101 – 125 2.0 %
126 – 150 3.0 %
151 – 175 4.0 %
176 – 200 5.0 %
201 – 250 6.0 %
251 – 300 7.0 %
301 – 350 8.0 %
351 – 400 9.0 %
401 – 450 10.0 %
451 – 500 11.0 %
501 – 600 12.0 %
601 – 700 14.0 %
701 – 800 16.0 %
801 – 900 18.0 %
901 – 1000 20.0 %
1001 – 1250 22.0 %
1251 – 1500 24.0 %
1501 – 1750 26.0 %
1751 – 2000 28.0 %
2001 – 2250 30.0 %
2251 – 2500 32.0 %
2501 – 3000 34.0 %
3001 – 3500 36.0 %
3501 – 4000 38.0 %
from 4001 40.0 %

A year ago, the Volume Commission introduced the possibility to earn an extra commission percentage for volume sales in your shops. The Volume Commission is credited to your account in addition to your earned Affiliate Commission and is a percentage of all products sold in your shop.

The Volume Commission from the campaign period of April 16th through April 30th, 2017 will be calculated in the middle of May and then credited to your user account according to the previously established terms of the Volume Commission. The calculation and crediting of the Volume Commission for the campaign period of May 1st – May 31st, 2017 then follows in the middle of June according to the new terms.

For further questions about the Volume Commission, please write to us at partner@spreadshirt.com.

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Henry Larry
Henry Larry
3 months ago

Excited to see the extension of campaign periods and bonus intervals. These adjustments offer more opportunities for growth and control over sales. Looking forward to maximizing earnings under the new terms.
Taxi Services from Montreal Airport to Quebec City Airport

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