Shop Launch Challenge Deadline

It’s the final countdown!!!

(Did you play the song in your head? We did.) You still have time to launch your shop and win it all! Simply follow the instructions in our Shop Launch community here. Think you’re too late? Nope! You have until midnight EST on March 16th to get in this thing!

Spreadshop IS the fastest way to launch a free merch shop online. You could seriously could launch a shop within a day that shocks the world and wins it all!!! No kidding. That really is how fast you can launch your Spreadshop.

What’s still up for grabs?

  • Grand prize: $2021
  • Second place: $500
  • Third place: $200


The iPad Pro contest is a special “Storytelling” challenge that started in Week 5. Challengers who follow the steps in the community post here will be in the running!

Did we mention the amazing Challenger community?

For the past 8 weeks our little Shop Launch Community has grown, with many challenging themselves week to week to grow and work on their shops. From sharing tips, to moral support when people feel like giving up, this really is something special. Even if you’ve missed out on the past weekly challenges, they are all still there for you to learn and grow.

Be sure to check out the comments section of every weekly challenge which features amazing examples of how other new shop owners are making promos for their sales, launching new designs and more!

Good luck, and we hope to see you over there soon!

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3 years ago


Street Fighter Fan
Street Fighter Fan
3 years ago

Oh wow! This looks like fun. I’m not sure I have time do this. Will you run this again? I hope so!