WordPress Plugin Update: More Freedom in Shop Integration

WordPress Plugin Update: More Freedom in Shop Integration

You wanted us to update the WordPress plugin, and we listened! Now you can remove the hashbang #! from your URL and embed as many shop pages as you like with WordPress. At the click of a button!

We’ve been busy working on three improvements since the last update earlier this year. Here’s what’s new:

  1. Add as many shop pages as you like via shortcode in WordPress
  2. Remove the bashbang #! in your shop URL with a single click
  3. Add your own content above and below your embedded shops

1. Shortcodes for the integration of any number of shop pages

Shortcode helps you set up wordpress deeplinks for categories, topics, search results or detail pages in the following format:

[spreadshop deeplink=”YourShopPage”]

If you’ve not yet used the WordPress plugin, you’ll need to set it up before you can make use of the feature. Find out how in this help article.

How to embed by shortcode

Go to the shop page you want to embed. Let’s say you want to e.g. display your posters on one of your WordPress pages. Then go to:


Now copy the deeplink aka the part of the URL behind “/YourShopname/” and paste it into the shortcode. It will look like this:

[spreadshop deeplink=”wallprints+posters?q=P180″]

Then add the shortcode to your WordPress page. Done! The posters from your Spreadshop are now tied in with your website.

Please note: The shortcode is also valid without a deeplink. Just add [spreadshop] to a WordPress page to include your Spreadshop homepage. In your Shpreadshop settings, you can still use the shop URL (just once) to tie in your shop like before.

Important notes

  1. Add just one shortcode per WordPress page
  2. Make sure that your deeplinks work

2. Remove the #! bit from your URL

In the past, every shop page integrated with a plugin had a so-called hashbang (#!) in the URL. Removing the hashbang with a WordPress plugin installed wasn’t possible. And you needed coding skills to get rid of it.

We’ve changed this now. You can remove the annoying hashbang snippet of your URL if you just click on it. Moreover, the URL improvement will also boost the Google ranking of your embedded shop pages!

Instead of hashbang URLs:


https://www. YourWordpressSite.com /shop/#!/women+sweatshirts+%26+hoodies?q=P37

Your URLs will now look like this:

https:// YourWordpressSite.com/shop/

https://www. YourWordpressSite.com /shop/women+sweatshirts+%26+hoodies?q=P37

How to remove the Hashbang

Go to the plugin settings on your WordPress page. Click on “Optimized URL” to deactivate the hashbang in your URL. Then check your old links to make sure they are still set up properly.

3. Fill embedded shop pages with your own content

Next to being able to integrate any Spreadshop page with WordPress, the shortcode feature also makes it possible to add content above and below the embedded shop pages. For example, you can use it to your advantage to add a header above your integrated shop page or write an SEO text below it.

And that’s very good news for your Spreadshop! The WordPress plugin update gives you more freedom in designing your shop integration while simplifying and improving the URL capabilities.  Google will like your shop more, and you will in turn benefit from the results.

Do you have questions about the new features? Leave a comment here or visit the Spreadshop forum. There’s also a new Spreadshop Facebook group where you can ask questions and exchange ideas with other Shop Owners.

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8 months ago

As far As I have tried to figure out it is NOT possible to BOTH remove hashtag AND have spreadshop showing up embedded in between content…
It also says in the plugin page that you can only use optimized URL if you put in a shop base url where you want the shop to appead, if I then make a page with an url like thew shop category . The content I put on that page wont show up, only the shop page itself..
So it is NOT possible to have pages in your own menu with the same names as the shop categoty for seo optimization AND have thos pages show content before/after the shop… Am I correct? I can not make that work, using neve theme

4 years ago

Hi Lena,

I realise this isn’t related to this article, although I’m unsure who to contact for back-end issues this this?… I have recently opened a store, and the editing functionality appears to be significantly limited; specifically, I can’t change the colour of the top block (the white space behind the logo). On one of your YouTube tutorials (this one – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RW7TQvkPHQ) the back-end appears to have many more editing options compared to mine?! More specifically, it has a ”headers & colours” menu, where-as I have a much more limited ”colours & fonts” option. This is very frustrating as everything else works very well. I’d really appreciate any help you can provide with this? Dale

4 years ago
Reply to  Dale

Hi Dale, please get in touch via our forum where we’ll be able to give you some more help than in a Blog comment 🙂

–> https://www.spreadshop.com/forum/c/english

4 years ago

Since the update I’m experiencing some difficulties – mainly linking to specific pages in the store. If I try, for ex, to link to the cart (basket) page it always lead me to the home page of the shop. Same with other pages and collections I’m trying to link to. Any idea why is it?

4 years ago
Reply to  Asher

You need to set your websites url in the shop settings under advanced > integration.

As a side effect you will get a redirect from https://shop.spreadshirt.com/teezco/ to https://teezco.com/shop and the basket should also work 🙂

4 years ago

Such functionality is really needed, but I hate using WordPress. Please make this functinality available for integrating the shop via javascript, thanks.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ihrmichauch

Hi there,

usePushState and pushStateBaseUrl are kind of what “optimized ulrl” is. And they are part of the help article already… it ist just more complicated to set it up via javascript to have the #! removed. The plugin uses a loophole that makes it easier.
The shortcode version is something we can’t offer for code-integrations the same way. But users can just post the code snipplet with a startToken parameter and have the same result. So the whole snipplet itself works as a “shortcode”. Offering something short like [spreadshop] is only possible by offering a plugin for wordpress.
So in short: the 2 new features make the plugin more flexible and offer 2 features you could already achieve via code integration (and it is even easier than with the code integration) 🙂

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