Why Your Merch Shop is Failing

Why Your Merch Shop is Failing

There can be many reasons why your merch shop is failing. But don’t worry, we’ve got some simple fixes to help get you back on track!

You might not be doing some of these things intentionally. For your merch shop to succeed, you need to be investing time and resources into it. Just because your shop is live doesn’t mean people are going to find it automatically. You need to keep people in the know and promote your merch effectively.

Your Spreadshop is whatever you want it to be, and it’s success is dependent on what you put into it!

Social Silence

Social Silence

You don’t need to have thousands of followers on Instagram to generate merch sales. Having a tight knit, even niche audience is enough. It shows you have a community that’s invested in you; numbers aren’t everything. It’s important to get the word out about your shop in these spaces so your merch isn’t failing.

If you don’t have social accounts dedicated to your Spreadshop, find ways to integrate your merch into your typical content. Post photos of yourself in your merch. The Instagram algorithm is always changing, but it’s been rumored in the past that content that features faces and real people performs better. It also feels natural and relatable. 

You shouldn’t bombard your followers with information, find different ways to talk about it via posts and text. Launching new content channels might be a good idea if you want to find different audiences. Youtube and podcast platforms are solid options.

Ignoring Your Customers

Ignoring Your Customers

Just because you can do something all on your own doesn’t necessarily mean you should. The vibe of your Spreadshop is completely up to you; that’s what makes it so much fun. But asking your customers for input is going to expand your creative horizons and boost merch sales.

Maybe there’s a reason why the designs in your merch shop are failing. You might really like them, but if they’re not resonating with your followers then that’s a disconnect you need to address. Run a poll on your socials asking people to vote on their favorite design. Or do one better, ask them to design your merch. Run a contest where the winner’s design is picked and they get then new merch FREE as a prize.

This is going to build more trust with you and your audience and build a community. That’s something you can’t buy.

Shop Layout is Unfinished

Shop Layout is Unfinished

Launching your Spreadshop is an exciting process. When you’re wrapped up in excitement, it can be easy to forget to finetune the layout of your shop. These might seem like basic features, but it’s important to utilize everything the platform has to offer.

The look of your homepage is a big indicator as to how many people will browse through your shop, let alone buy products. Your header should be an image or graphic that captures the essence of your merch. Different themes allow for different levels of customization. Our “classic theme” is a simple look that’s easy to alter for beginners and pros alike.

Other little features like an “About Me” button and linking to your socials are important. This gives customers the bigger picture of how you are and why you launched your merch. It also doesn’t hurt to do tweaks to your shop every now and then. Push new merch to your homepage and make sure seasonal products are front and center.

Forgetting Promos

Forgetting Promos

Did you know Spreadshop runs promos every month? Instead of running your own sales and working out the logistics, these promos are available to share directly to your followers!

FREE shipping and discount codes are just some of the promos we have available. They are a great incentive to get people to buy your merch as long as you give people enough notice. Mention the promos at the end of your captions or create bold text posts.

You can also coincide new merch drops with promos to generate more hype around your merch. Check out our current promotions HERE! If your merch sales and shop aren’t where you want them to be, we hope these tips can help take your merch to the next level.

Need merch? Launch your Spreadshop today!

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3 years ago

The shop is failing because social platforms require tons of money to promote your products for a few people, but even then, they do not guarantee you an amount as large as the one you put in the promotion. Let’s be honest at least once and leave those tutorials like : you can make 10,000-20,000 $ a month! because you don’t!

Raj Kumar
Raj Kumar
3 years ago

The contents are very helpful for me.thanks.