Raise Money For Your Local Animal Shelter

raise money for your shelter

Looking to raise money for your local animal shelter? Try merch! Print on-demand platforms like Spreadshop allow you to make custom merch at no cost to you.

We know raising funds can be tough, and merch is a great incentive to attract donations. Supporters can get something extra AND feel good about helping a good cause.

Merch allows you to build your brand and connect with people in your community. Keep your mission in mind when it comes to the marketing of your animal shelter. See how merch can play a big part in your fundraising!

extra value

Something Extra

Raising money for your local animal shelter is tougher than ever. Costs are rising at the grocery store and at the pump, and families don’t have as much extra cash. Merch is a great “get” to help attract donations.

And merch is more than just T-shirts now. Spreadshop has 230 products that you can upload your personal designs onto. Put your shelter logo and other fun designs on tote bags, water bottles, stickers, sweats, etc.

And make sure you let people know that 100 percent of the profits will go towards helping your shelter. That way, they’ll feel even better about buying your merch!

build a brand

Turn Your Shelter into a Brand

Merch is more than just a great way to raise money; it can turn your shelter into a full-blown brand. Having your logo and colors on merch is a great way to solidify your message and connect with potential partners.

We’ve seen many animal shelters capitalize on their name and likeness with their merch. People are more likely to donate to a cause they feel connected to. Creating merch with your branding builds a stronger sense of community and forms a connection with potential supporters. 

It’s going to boost brand recognition, overall. The more people see your logo and your colors, the more likely they are to remember you.

market your mission

Monetize Your Shelter

Ad campaigns work well for large corporations, but local animal shelters don’t have that kind of cash. Merch is a useful promotional tool that costs a fraction of big budget ad campaigns. And Spreadshop does all the heavy lifting for you! We’ve got payments, production, fulfillment, and shipping covered. All you have to do is upload your designs.

Merch is a personal promotional tool to raise money for your animal shelter. Get followers involved by doing giveaways on your social media. Ask people to follow you and comment for the chance to win merch. Photos of volunteers and supporters at events in your merch makes for authentic marketing material. This kind of content is going to be beneficial on multiple fronts. You’ll increase social engagement, draw attention to your animal shelter, and bring awareness to new merch!

Raise money for your animal shelter with merch. Open your own shop for FREE!

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geld inzamelen
1 year ago

Geweldig initiatief om <a href=”https://whydonate.com/nl/blog/geld-inzamelen-voor-daklozenopvang/”>geld intezamelen voor je fundraiser! </a>Laten we samen bijdragen aan deze nobele zaak.

1 year ago

Many thanks for the branding content you share.

Passion Hund
2 years ago
