SEO Optimization for Shop Owners #2: Felix from Geometrien

SEO Optimization for Shop Owners #2: Felix from Geometrien

SEO optimization is a hot topic for Shop Owners. What can you do to improve your Google ranking. We asked other Spreadhop Owners to provide us with expert answers.

Search engine optimization for the Google ranking of your website is vital to increase your Shop’s visibility and make sure that your products can be found. In the second installment of this series, Felix from has answered your questions on SEO. He highlighted the importance of blog articles for your Google ranking and provided you with some smart insights.

Hello Felix! What are your SEO goals for your Spreadhop?

My goal for the next year is to get more than 2,000 organic visitors per month on my websites end My first tip is to set a concrete goal to motivate yourself! A basic SEO tutorial will help you make the first steps. The videos and blog posts by Neil Patel are very helpful:

What exactly have you done so far to optimize your Spreadhop?

First of all I adjusted every page with regards to on-page optimization. There is a very useful tool that’s free:

If you have a lot of pages, there is also a premium account, which crawls the whole website and displays the recommended optimizations of all pages. You can also monitor the ranking of up to 300 keywords at the same time.

After I optimized the website for on-page SEO, I started with the link building. I think backlinks are perhaps the most important factor in off-page optimization. So I searched different forums with relevant topics, answered questions and placed a couple of links to my website.

Here is an example of how I proceeded for the unique keyword needs on my website:

Anchor text:

  • Polygon art
  • Works of art made of geometric shapes
  • Polygon art owl
  • Polygon art Fox
  • Polygon art stag
  • Origin of polygon art
  • Geometry and religion
  • How to make Polygon Art
  • Polygon tattoos

Which SEO tools or plugins have you tried? What did you like (or dislike) about these tools?

This is what I use and has proven to work excellently:


A great tool for on-page optimization of WordPress pages.


For me it’s the best tool for on-page SEO and keyword monitoring.


A fantastic tool to get new keyword ideas and to see how many people search for which keyword. It’s also very handy to see with which keywords the competition uses successfully on Google. You’ll also find new pages for possible backlinks.

Do you have general SEO tips and tricks that you would like to share?

Yes – a lot of patience! It can take a very long time before SEO optimization pays off. With my first website that I optimized for SEO, it took almost a year until I got organic traffic going.

And content is king! I write a blog post for any keyword for which I want to improve my ranking on Google.

An example: “Low Polygon Art” has 590 queries per month. On my website I wrote a blog post of about 700 words, in which the keyword “Low Polygon Art” occurs about six times. It’s important to use the main keyword in the meta heading, meta description, H1 heading and some of the sub-headings (H2-H6).

I also recommend working with Google Search Console, so you can submit changes or new pages to Google immediately.

Sound advice! As you mentioned before, SEO takes time and patience. What do you do while you wait for improvements?

In the beginning, I had a hard time to deal with waiting. I completely rebuilt the website three or four times, because I always thought I had done something wrong. Now I just keep writing new articles, try to get new backlinks and create new designs until something happens in the ranking.

Have you ever experienced setbacks in the ranking? If so, how did you manage to improve the ranking again?

Thankfully, I’ve never had a bigger setback. My top keywords always fluctuate between first and fourth place. There are a few things you can do to prevent ranking dips:

  • Good website performance speed (
  • No keyword stuffing
  • Unique content
  • No Duplicate Content
  • Qualitative backlinks (topics relevant)
  • Low bounce rate of visitors (visitors should stay on the website as long as possible)

Thank you very much for the interview Felix! We’re sure you can help many other store owners with it.

If you don’t know anything about the topic yet, you can read up on the topic first where you’ll get more info on the basics of SEO.

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Magic Dilashow
Magic Dilashow
1 year ago

As a professional SEO specialist, I highly recommend that shop owners prioritize optimizing their website for search engines. This will ensure that their online store gets the visibility it deserves in search engine results pages, leading to increased traffic and sales.
One useful tool for shop owners is the Google Indexing Tool from Rush Analytics. This platform offers a range of SEO tools to make optimization easier, including a tool that allows you to quickly and easily index your site on Google. This tool can be found at
Using this tool has many advantages. It allows you to ensure that your site is being properly crawled and indexed by Google, so that your pages can be included in search results. It also helps you to identify any indexing issues that may be preventing your site from ranking as high as it should be.
If you’re a shop owner looking to improve your SEO and increase your online visibility, using tools like the Google Indexing Tool from Rush Analytics can be a great way to get started.

2 years ago

can I get organic searches for my spreadshop site

3 years ago

It says 19 comments but I can only see one…

Ripon Biswas
3 years ago

Thank you for better service

3 years ago
Reply to  Ripon Biswas

You got it!!!